I arrived in Macha, Zambia this morning. It took almost 48 hours to get here. My parents were waiting for Austin (my cousin) and myself at the landing strip (literally just a dirt pathway!)
I found out that the "Macha Olympics" were this week and they were having a special 7k run this afternoon.
Of course, the American guy in Pajamas had to run in the race!
I got beat by a bunch of little kids! Man, are they fast...even without shoes!!Elevation, hills and lack of sleep all slowed me down, but even without those factors...I don't think I could have even come close to winning!
Anyway, it was an excellent welcome to the village and I had a great time on my first Macha run (the first of many!)
I am leaving for Africa today. It will take me about two days to get to Zambia and then another day to get to the village of Macha. Please pray for a safe trip!
I am excited about the trip and all the things ahead. I will be posting pictures and stories as time goes on, so be sure to check back for updates!
It has been a very busy week. Between taking my board exam and running, I haven't had too much extra time!
Today Darla and I ran the Nike+ Human Race. It was a 10K (6.25 miles) race that started and ended at Soldier Field. They also held the same race in 25 cities around the world...with a total of over half a million people!
Just in time for the race, a new set of pajamas arrived from SnoreStop. I definitely stood out in the crowd with my all white pajamas in a sea of red Nike tshirts!I have a confession to make...I was beat by a girl! Yes, thats right. Darla beat my time by 2 whole seconds! She did an amazing job. This was her first time ever running more than 5 miles, and she did the whole race without walking at all!
My good friend Dan was our official photographer and support crew. It is always great to have someone cheering for you at the finish line. Thanks Dan!