This week has been tough...and it is only half over!
On Monday I had to run 16 miles, then 4 on Tuesday, 8 on Wednesday, and 4 miles today. I still have to run another 8 on Saturday and 17 miles on Sunday. That is 57 miles within a 7 day period!
The way that my training schedule is set up requires me to increase the miles I run for 2 consecutive weeks and then taper off for some recovery time on the 3rd week. My recovery week happened to fall on the week of the Chicago Distance Classic half I didn't really get a "recovery week". I think that might be part of the reason that my body is not too happy with me!
Its not that bad. I have to admit, I couldn't ask for a better place to run. The paths of Chicago are amazing. Everyday I get to run past views like this oneIt sure is a great start to my day. I will post more pictures as time goes on.
Wish me luck on my runs this weekend!
I had to get up at 4:45 this morning to make it downtown in time for the start of the Chicago Distance Classic Half Marathon. The race started at 6:30am on the south end of Grant Park. Darla was my official support team and photographer (no one else was crazy enough to get up this early on a Sunday morning!).
The weather was perfect, about 65 degrees. The 13.1 mile course took us south down lake shore drive and then back north along the path that runs next to the lake.
I finished the race in 2 hours 2 minutes (I actually ran a half marathon in 2hrs 1 min, but they just notified us that the course was slightly longer than it should have been...ooops!). I was happy to have competed my first official half marathon in about 2 hours. That was my goal for this race.
The pajamas worked great. They are a little bulkier than anything I am used to running in, but the material is very light weight, so it wasn't too bad.
I even had a guy come up to me and tell me that he had heard about Miles For Macha and how he thought it was a great project!
This is another "unrelated post" to my marathon training or MilesForMacha.
Several months ago, Darla and I won a trip to LasVegas! Compliments of the wonderful people at the Tinley Park VFW and Carol's Travel (of Tinley Park, IL). They did an excellent job of helping us plan the trip (thanks Barb!). We booked the trip for August 2...this weekend!
Our 4 day trip started early Saturday morning. It sure seemed like a long way to fly, immediately following my quick trip to LA!
We went with some good friends, Chris and Gina and had a great time. It was a very relaxing trip. Didn't win big, but didn't lose any money either, so we considered ourselves very lucky!
I went to LosAngeles to meet with the people from SnoreStop. We discussed the donation and how it was going to be used by MICS (the school in Zambia). They are extremely excited to be involved in this project and are very happy to be helping this worth cause. They presented me with a GIANT check for MilesForMacha, which will go toward a new 4x4 vehicle that is needed by the if only I could find a bank that would cash a check this large!We also discussed plans for the pajamas that I will be wearing while training and running. I am still not sure of the final design, but I think that we will start with a sample set for the half marathon in chicago (next week). Check back for pictures!