Yes, that is right...I finished! Not in record time or anything, but I made it through without any problems. The weather was cool and clear, so it was a great day for a long run! Here I am at mile 25.2. Only 1 mile to go!
I wanted to take this time to thank you so much for your support and willingness to help with the MilesForMacha project. Thanks to your generous donation we are currently at $11,410.29. I can't tell you how much my parents and the children of MICS appreciate your help. I was able to spend 2 month in Zambia this fall. The children and teachers were all so excited about the race, the pajamas, and the new school vehicle. Your contributions have brought joy and excitement to these children and a tiny village all the way around the world!
I am continuing my relationship with SnoreStop, so it looks like I will be running in pajamas again. Anything to create awareness for MilesForMacha! So look for the Pajama Man in a marathon near you!
Thank you again!
2 weeks ago, my girlfriend Darla and her sister Cheryl came to visit Zambia. They brought along a collection of childrens tshirts. While they were here, we unfortunately did not have the chance to visit the hospital and hand them out. I was extremely fortunate to be able to spend part of my last day visiting some of the children at the local hospital. My cousin Austin and I were able to hand out new tshirts (thanks to Cheryl and Darla), new shoes and sandals, and stuffed animals. Many of these children have been in the hospital for quite some time. the conditions are not very comfortable and they are far from home. Most of them have never had anything "new" so to them, this was quite a special treat. I felt priviledged to be able to hand out these items out. Thank you very much to those who donated the items that we were able to distribute! The kids appreciated it...and so did I!
Many people have asked what type of 4x4 vehicle the school needs. We have been investigating all of our options and have finally come to a conclusion. The school would be best benefited by having a Toyota Landcruiser 70 series. This is a vehicle that is only sold in Africa and Australia. It is called the "work horse" of vehicles in Africa, and is built to endure the incredibly rough roads and conditions like those in Macha. It seats 13 people and has fold-up seats in the back so that it can easily be used for transporting supplies.
Ideally we could find a deal on a 2-4 year old vehicle. We looked at importing a used one and found that it would cost about $30-32,000 after taxes and import fees.
We have found a Toyota dealer that sells these vehicles to Not-For-Profit organizations in Africa for about $35,000 (NEW). This is a hefty price tag, but considering the sticker price is $10-15,000 above this and it would be a new vehicle, we think this would be the best option. Reliability and Durability are the keys to getting the most out of this vehicle. The closest mechanic is 2.5 hours away (on the bumpiest dirt road you have ever traveled), and that is not even a real have to go 6 hours to get to the real garage! That means that the only work that we want done on this vehicle is preventive break downs!
Whew! I am sure you are bored to death by these details, but I just wanted to let all of you who are so generously helping the children of Macha and MICS what the exact plans are.
Below is a video that gives plenty of details on the LandCruiser 70 series (click on the image to start the video)
Last week a cargo container from the US arrived. The main item in the container was a giant playground set for the school (similar to McDonald playground). In addition to that, many boxes of clothes and school supplies were packed around the playground set. One of the boxes contained about 75 pairs of shoes. These shoes had been collected by a teen age girl in Virgina. She heard about the school and wanted to help the children. Many of these children have so little. You would not believe how many of these kids have only one pair of shoes...and it that one pair is several years old. their poor toes are jammed up tight into the shoes.
It is amazing to me how many people from so many different places are willing to get involved and help with MICS!I had the privilege of being able to help hand out the shoes to the kids at MICS. One of the boys had wanted a pair of running shoes, so I was able to find him a pair that fit. Now he will be able to run with me!
This weekend a neighboring village had a harvest festival. I decided to check it out. There were people everywhere! Running through the village center in my Pajamas created quite a commotion.
I guess I kinda stood out!
The people were very friendly and excited to have their picture taken with the Pajama Guy.The chief of this village is a big supporter of MICS. He is interested in the possibility of bringing the same level or education to his village.
I arrived in Macha, Zambia this morning. It took almost 48 hours to get here. My parents were waiting for Austin (my cousin) and myself at the landing strip (literally just a dirt pathway!)
I found out that the "Macha Olympics" were this week and they were having a special 7k run this afternoon.
Of course, the American guy in Pajamas had to run in the race!
I got beat by a bunch of little kids! Man, are they fast...even without shoes!!Elevation, hills and lack of sleep all slowed me down, but even without those factors...I don't think I could have even come close to winning!
Anyway, it was an excellent welcome to the village and I had a great time on my first Macha run (the first of many!)
I am leaving for Africa today. It will take me about two days to get to Zambia and then another day to get to the village of Macha. Please pray for a safe trip!
I am excited about the trip and all the things ahead. I will be posting pictures and stories as time goes on, so be sure to check back for updates!
It has been a very busy week. Between taking my board exam and running, I haven't had too much extra time!
Today Darla and I ran the Nike+ Human Race. It was a 10K (6.25 miles) race that started and ended at Soldier Field. They also held the same race in 25 cities around the world...with a total of over half a million people!
Just in time for the race, a new set of pajamas arrived from SnoreStop. I definitely stood out in the crowd with my all white pajamas in a sea of red Nike tshirts!I have a confession to make...I was beat by a girl! Yes, thats right. Darla beat my time by 2 whole seconds! She did an amazing job. This was her first time ever running more than 5 miles, and she did the whole race without walking at all!
My good friend Dan was our official photographer and support crew. It is always great to have someone cheering for you at the finish line. Thanks Dan!
This week has been tough...and it is only half over!
On Monday I had to run 16 miles, then 4 on Tuesday, 8 on Wednesday, and 4 miles today. I still have to run another 8 on Saturday and 17 miles on Sunday. That is 57 miles within a 7 day period!
The way that my training schedule is set up requires me to increase the miles I run for 2 consecutive weeks and then taper off for some recovery time on the 3rd week. My recovery week happened to fall on the week of the Chicago Distance Classic half I didn't really get a "recovery week". I think that might be part of the reason that my body is not too happy with me!
Its not that bad. I have to admit, I couldn't ask for a better place to run. The paths of Chicago are amazing. Everyday I get to run past views like this oneIt sure is a great start to my day. I will post more pictures as time goes on.
Wish me luck on my runs this weekend!
I had to get up at 4:45 this morning to make it downtown in time for the start of the Chicago Distance Classic Half Marathon. The race started at 6:30am on the south end of Grant Park. Darla was my official support team and photographer (no one else was crazy enough to get up this early on a Sunday morning!).
The weather was perfect, about 65 degrees. The 13.1 mile course took us south down lake shore drive and then back north along the path that runs next to the lake.
I finished the race in 2 hours 2 minutes (I actually ran a half marathon in 2hrs 1 min, but they just notified us that the course was slightly longer than it should have been...ooops!). I was happy to have competed my first official half marathon in about 2 hours. That was my goal for this race.
The pajamas worked great. They are a little bulkier than anything I am used to running in, but the material is very light weight, so it wasn't too bad.
I even had a guy come up to me and tell me that he had heard about Miles For Macha and how he thought it was a great project!
This is another "unrelated post" to my marathon training or MilesForMacha.
Several months ago, Darla and I won a trip to LasVegas! Compliments of the wonderful people at the Tinley Park VFW and Carol's Travel (of Tinley Park, IL). They did an excellent job of helping us plan the trip (thanks Barb!). We booked the trip for August 2...this weekend!
Our 4 day trip started early Saturday morning. It sure seemed like a long way to fly, immediately following my quick trip to LA!
We went with some good friends, Chris and Gina and had a great time. It was a very relaxing trip. Didn't win big, but didn't lose any money either, so we considered ourselves very lucky!
I went to LosAngeles to meet with the people from SnoreStop. We discussed the donation and how it was going to be used by MICS (the school in Zambia). They are extremely excited to be involved in this project and are very happy to be helping this worth cause. They presented me with a GIANT check for MilesForMacha, which will go toward a new 4x4 vehicle that is needed by the if only I could find a bank that would cash a check this large!We also discussed plans for the pajamas that I will be wearing while training and running. I am still not sure of the final design, but I think that we will start with a sample set for the half marathon in chicago (next week). Check back for pictures!
I am currently working out all the details with the official Miles For Macha corporate donor, Snore Stop. They won the eBay auction with a final bid of $9000. I have agreed to run the New York City Marathon in pajamas. Yes, you read correctly...I said pajamas! I know its a little crazy, but it is all for a good cause...MICS!
I will be going to Los Angeles on Thursday to meet with the SnoreStop execs and work out some of the plans. It should be interesting. I will be sure to keep you up to date with everything.
Today was a long run...13 miles. This is my longest of the current training session. It showed me how just much work I will have to put in before marathon day! According to the training schedule, I am supposed to do these runs at a comfortable pace, slower than my expected marathon pace. I was feeling fine until about 10.5 miles and then it got a pretty tough, but I was able to struggle through it. I started at about 6:30 this morning. For the longer runs, I always try to beat the heat and humidity by starting early. As the training goes on, and the runs get longer, I will have to start earlier and earlier.
This unrelated to the marathon, MICS or my new relationship with SnoreStop, but I wanted to mention that I went skydiving today!
I was my 1st time, and it was amazing! Darla and I went with her room mate and a few other friends to Skydive Chicago. It was a long day (mostly waiting) but worth every minute!
I will post some pictures if I can get a hold of any.
I can only describe it as surreal and extremely peaceful. To my surprise, you never really get the whole dropping feeling. It is more like you are floating. I can't wait to go again!
The Auction ended today. I was not really sure what to expect. The company SnoreStop won the auction at a final price of $9000!!
That is $9000 that will be going directly to MICS and will help them purchase a new 4x4 vehicle!
Many things are happening, so I will update with some of the plans as I get the details.
Thank you!
There are two days remaining in the corporate donor eBay auction. The bidding is up to $810! There is obviously some interest in this opportunity. I have also been contacted by one company that is interested. They have even taken the time to draw up a letter of agreement between myself and their company. They are making plans in the event that they win the auction. I have to believe that this is a pretty good indication that they are serious about this. 48 hours to go...only time will tell how much money we can raise for the children in Macha!
My eBay listing was not drawing much bidding attention. However, it did catch the eye of James Baker, from southern California. James was impressed with the cause and saw some potential for this project. He contacted me and made some suggestions on how I might be able to draw a little more attention to the auction listing. This has lead to the current auction being canceled, modified, and re-listed on eBay.
The auction will run until next Friday. James has told me that he knows of a few companies that might be interested in this we will have to wait and see!
I've been trying to come up with an idea to raise additional money for the children and the school in Africa. I was thinking that I could find a corporation that would be willing to make a donation to MICS, and exchange, I would be willing to display their logo on the back of my shirts while I train and also while I run the marathon. the problem is, how do I find someone who would be interested in this? More importantly, how do I find a company that is willing to make a donation for I can raise more money for the school! I decided to take a shot in the dark and make an auction listing on eBay. Today I posted this ad. The problem that I face, is how do I make companies aware of this opportunity to get some advertising and help a worthy cause. I will attempt to contact the local media and some companies with inside contacts. Maybe this can get a little buzz going.
Today marks the first day of my official training schedule. I am using the Hal Higdon training schedule. It involves running 5 times a week for the next 18 weeks. To some of you, this might sound crazy (it actually sounds a little crazy to me!), but it is a proven schedule that will allow me to build up the strength and endurance to complete the 26.2 mile race on November 2.
For more info on my training schedule, please visit Hal Higdon's Training Page
My current pair of running shoes took quite a beating with the mc200. Now that I am gearing up to train for the New York Marathon, I decided it was time to invest in a quality new pair of shoes. The good people at Fleet Feet (corner of North and Wells in Chicago) spent quite a bit of time with Darla (my girlfriend) and myself. They analyzed our running gate and then fit us with the best shoe for our feet. It is something that I had heard of before, but never took the time to actually do. I have to say it is something that every runner should do! They fitted us with shoes that we would have never considered, but they fit better and are more comfortable than any pair of running shoes that either of us has ever had. Thanks Fleet Feet!
I have been trying to figure out a way to create awareness and raise support for the school in Macha, Zambia that my parents helping to create. I have decided to create a website with information about the school and hope that people will see the need and be willing to help with this amazing project. Only time will tell how successful this will be.
We finished the MC200! Everyone on our team did an excellent job! We finished in about 32 hours.
Throughout the race, we experienced massive downpours, scorching heat, tornado warnings, blazing sunshine, and lightning storms. Needless to say it was quite an adventure. I had a great time with an amazing group of people! Can't wait to run next year!
Today is the MC200. It is a relay race that starts in Madison, Wisconsin and ends 200+ miles later on the Chicago lakefront.
12 of us have decided to team up and tackle this crazy task. We are not alone...there are 100 teams that we are running with/against.
Each one of us will be running 3 separate times for a total distance of between 15 and 20 miles for each person.
I just received my notice that I have gotten into the New York City Marathon. They have a lottery system, so I have been waiting to see if I made it...and I did!
Now it is time to start training and working out all the details!
I want to dedicate this marathon to the school that my parents are helping to build in Macha, Zambia. Now, I just need to figure out the best way to use this to create awareness and raise support for the children in Macha.